
How do I get involved in What's The Time Mrs. Woolf? ?

Issue one of the 'zine is out & we're looking for creative types to contribute to upcoming issues! If you are interested in contributing or have an idea for a feature, please get in touch at , we would love to hear from you. We are looking for writers/reviewers, illustrators, cartoonists, food features, women's sports reportage, DIY craft/recycling features, and more. Also welcome are photographers, cover & lettering designs, questions, comments and your problems (to be answered on the problem page)!

What's The Time Mrs. Woolf? is lettered by hand, so any writing can be formatted (& even illustrated!) - all you need to send us is the text.

The format for the 'zine is A5 black-and-white with a colour cover. Contributors cannot be paid but will be fully credited. All proceeds go towards funding the printing & distribution of the 'zine.

What's The Time Mrs. Woolf? is currently by women for women. That's right.